“First off, I have my parents to thank for pointing me in the right direction. My family vacations often involved spending the week on a small Caribbean island, eating nothing but raw foods and watermelon. My father was (and still is) a part-time practitioner of Natural Hygiene – concerned with proper food combining, acid & alkaline and the consumption of mainly raw fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds and sprouts. And then there is the other 50 weeks of the year when he practices the Standard American Diet. And so it goes, the ideal vs. the reality. But if I’ve learned anything from my own study and practice of Macrobiotics, it’s that there is not one clear path; there is not one “right way”, no “ideal diet”. Everything changes. Always.
Flexibility is key. Life is a long and winding road over an ever-changing terrain.. and you gotta pack the right shoes. Meaning, you need to equip yourself with the right tools, like a pair of sturdy, well-broken in hiking boots, and a working knowledge of the Order of the Universe: the fundamental tenets of Macrobiotics; the Zen philosophy that keeps me from totally and completely losing it….